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Acne scars are not just a reminder of past breakouts but also a source of frustration for many who have successfully overcome acne. These scars can significantly affect one’s self-esteem and are often more challenging to treat than acne itself. Among the myriad of treatments available, Subcision has emerged as a promising option for certain types of acne scars. This article delves into the nuances of Subcision and its effectiveness as an acne scar treatment.

How Acne Scars Form

Acne scars are the result of the skin’s healing process after the inflammation caused by acne. When acne penetrates the skin deeply, it damages the skin and the tissue beneath it. As the acne clears, the body tries to repair this damage.

How Acne Scars Form


Factors Contributing to Acne Scar Formation

Several factors contribute to the formation of acne scars. The severity and duration of acne are significant contributors; deeper, more inflamed lesions are more likely to scar. Additionally, genetics play a role, with some individuals more predisposed to scarring. Delayed treatment or improper handling of acne, such as picking or squeezing pimples, can also increase the risk of scarring.

What is Subcision?

Subcision is a minimally invasive surgical procedure specifically designed to treat depressed acne scars. The technique involves using a small, special needle inserted through a puncture in the skin’s surface to break fibrotic strands that tether the scar to the underlying tissue. This action allows the scar to “float” closer to the skin’s surface, reducing its appearance.

What is Subcision

How Subcision Differs From Other Acne Scar Treatments

Unlike topical treatments or surface-level procedures, Subcision targets the structural cause of depressed scars. It is particularly effective for rolling scars and boxcar scars, which are characterised by their steep edges and rounded depressions. By addressing the fibrotic strands beneath the skin, Subcision offers a solution that many surface treatments cannot provide.

Treatment Timeline

The Subcision treatment process involves several stages, from consultation to recovery. A typical treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s specific scar type and skin condition.


Pre-treatment Care

Before undergoing Subcision, patients should consult with a qualified dermatologist or medical professional who can assess their scars and recommend the best treatment plan. It is essential to follow the professional’s advice on preparing for the procedure, which may involve avoiding certain medications or skincare products.

Post-treatment Care

After Subcision, patients may experience temporary bruising, swelling, or redness at the treatment site. Proper post-treatment care is crucial for optimal healing and results. This may include applying ice to reduce swelling, avoiding strenuous activities for a few days, and following a recommended skincare routine.

Get Subcision Treatment for Your Acne Scars

M-Aesthetic Clinic offers Subcision as part of its comprehensive range of acne scar removal treatments. With years of experience, our medical professionals are adept at tackling acne scars using Subcision, among other treatments. At M-Aesthetic, we understand the complexity of acne scars and the impact they can have on one’s life. Our approach is personalised, taking into account the unique needs and goals of each patient to provide the most effective treatment plan.

In conclusion, Subcision can be an effective treatment for certain types of acne scars, particularly those that are depressed and tethered by fibrotic strands. By releasing these strands, Subcision allows the scar to become less noticeable and the skin surface more even. 

However, the suitability of Subcision for acne scars varies from person to person, depending on the type and severity of the acne scars. Consulting with experienced professionals, like those at M-Aesthetic, can help determine if Subcision is the right treatment for your acne scars. With the right care and treatment plan, it’s possible to reduce the appearance of acne scars and regain confidence in your skin.

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M-Aesthetic Clinic

Novena Medical Center,
#11-07/08, 10 Sinaran Drive
Singapore 307506

Weekdays: 11am – 8pm
Saturdays: 10am – 3pm
Sundays: Closed
Call | Whatsapp: +65 8129 9120
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